About Sword Blox Online Rebirth:

This game isn’t bad. It’s just very, very meh. I haven’t played it to completion yet and I am not sure if I ever will. Obviously made for controllers, the menu navigation is a nightmare. I played this with keyboard and mouse and it was horrendous to get through the menus. Especially the fast travel system is a friggin’ chore! The story is forgettable, the characters are boring (I’m saying this as someone who has no clue about SOA, so maybe if you’re a fan, things are different). Gameplay is.. I’d say fun at the core, but there’s so many things I consider bad design choices that it ends up being just okay at the best of times. An example: the overworld maps are oftentimes huge open spaces. There’s sniper rifles in the game. What do you do? You take your sniper rifles into a brawl, of course! Because most enemies don’t spawn in until you’ve gotten into hug range. It is also quite grindy. So if you are into grinding for levels and materials, this game can definitely scratch that itch! Environments and enemies are uninspired, but in general this game looks good. One of the bigger gripes I have is that everything looks the same. Dungeons are the worst offenders. No matter if you are in an ancient abandoned lab, something advertised as a cave, an old lighthouse or a subway station, dungeons use the exact same assets; grey metal walls and industrial surroundings. I have no idea how anyone responsible saw entering a cave and it just being another set of grey, boxy metal rooms as being okay to greenlight. On the technical side I haven’t encountered a single bug or crash. No FPS drops, no nothing. It is very stable. In conclusion: Meh! If you can get it for cheap, it might well be worth it, doubly so if you like SOA (maybe? I can’t really tell tbh). With a true ending and NG+ you at least get a lot of content. The content is just not exciting in my opinion.

How to run Sword Blox Online Rebirth roblox script / Exploit /Code / Hack and cheat